Our library of thousands of articles focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to the study of conflict, fragility, political violence, terrorism, religious conflict, and violent extremism. Use the search and filter tool to search thousands of find articles and links by region, country, theme, and discipline.

Government & Security
Intervention Demographics
Political Violence
Resolve Publication
LPBI Fiche d’information | Utilisation de la Cartographie Corporelle Comme Méthode de Recherche : Réflexions Sur la Violence et la Réintégration en République Centrafricaine
Pauline Zerla
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
LPBI Fiche d’information | Traumatismes, Prévention de la Violence et Réintégration : Tirer des Enseignements des Récits de Jeunes Sur les Conflits en République Centrafricaine
Pauline Zerla
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
LPBI Fiche d’information | Situer le « Local » Dans la Consolidation de la Paix
Brandon Kendhammer and Wyatt Chandler
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
LPBI SERIES FACT SHEET | Using Body Mapping as a Research Method: Considerations from Research on Violence and Reintegration in the Central African Republic
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
LPBI SERIES FACT SHEET | Trauma, Violence Prevention, and Reintegration: Learning from Youth Conflict Narratives in the Central African Republic
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Trauma, Violence Prevention, and Reintegration: Learning from Youth Conflict Narratives in the Central African Republic
Pauline Zerla
Main Theme