Economides, Spyros; Ker-Lindsay, James & Papadimitriou, Dimitris

Kosovo: Four Futures



The recent opinion by the International Court of Justice on the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence has not provided a definitive answer to Kosovo's status. The International community remains divided. For this reason, a political solution will need to be found. Possible scenarios for the future of Kosovo include continuation of the status quo; enforcing Pristina's full authority across all of Kosovo; partition or partial territorial readjustment between Kosovo and Serbia; or some form of extended autonomy for northern Kosovo. While each of the models has its advantages and drawbacks, on balance the case for some form of extensive autonomy or a territorial readjustment remain the most compelling options for resolving the conflict in a manner most acceptable to Belgrade and Pristina, and which would open the way for Kosovo to gain wider, if not full, international acceptance.