Online | 21 July 2021
Research on Violent Extremism and P/CVE for Non-Researchers: Training and Toolkit
IMAN Research
Between June 28 and July 21, 2021, the RESOLVE Network, in partnership with IMAN Research, completed two virtual training sessions for non-researchers in Southeast Asia. Research on Violent Extremism and P/CVE for Non-Researchers: Training and Toolkit provided insights and guidance from researchers and policymakers about how to participate in research design processes and how to assess the quality and value of research for addressing P/CVE gaps and priorities. The virtual training was created and led by Dr. Brandon Kendhammer, member of the RESOLVE Research Advisory Council, to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise, provide a venue for regional practitioners interested in or working on P/CVE initiatives to discuss their own experiences, and provide tools for participants to use in their own work.