Dr. Mubashar Hasan is an experienced researcher and analyst currently affiliated with University of Oslo, Norway and University of Western Sydney, Australia. His research interests include CVE, Islam and politics and populist Islam in the society. He is the author of the book Islam and Politics: Followers of Ummah ( Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). A book review published in the journal Global Change, Peace and Security (Routledge, 2020) states that Mubashar’s book is “likely to encourage future generations of scholars to rethink about their approaches to study not only Bangladesh but also Islam and politics.” Dr. Hasan is also the lead editor of the book Radicalization in South Asia: Context, Trajectories and Implications (Sage, 2019) and currently co-editing another book titled Crocodiles in the River: Bangladeshi lives in Hybrid Regime (contracted by Palgrave Macmillan 2021) with Professor Arild Engelsen Rudd. He was a former research fellow at the RESOLVE Network in 2017 and published over 20 articles in academic journals, books and media. He has previously consulted on CVE related issues for the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Japan), UNDP, MC&Saachi among others. Occasionally Mubashar reviews books and book proposals for Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan and act as a reviewer for many top journals. He was quoted and interviewed by the Economist Magazine, ABC News (Australia), Agence France Press among others. His hobby includes podcasting and hosting live intelligent discussion with experts in facebook. His podcast the Melting Pot is now available in iTunes and Spotify. To know more about him please visit his website: www.mubasharhasan.com