What We're Reading

August 2017 | Mali

For the month of August, the RESOLVE Network team’s “What We’re Reading” post features research focused on concepts related to governance, ideas, individuals, and violence in the country of Mali.  The publications listed below explore the aftermath of the French intervention, investigate the role of faith, and examine the motivations and actions of different competing population groups in the North Africa Sahelian state. Click the links below to view the documents.


Governance and Security

Geel, Florent, and Alice Banens. “Mali: Terrorism and Impunity Jeopardize the Fragile Peace Agreement.” May 2017. FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights. https://www.fidh.org/en/region/Africa/mali/mali-terrorism-and-impunity-jeopardize-the-fragile-peace-agreement  

Lloyd, Robert B. “Ungoverned Spaces and Regional Insecurity: The Case of Mali.” The SAIS Review of International Affairs 36, no. 1 (2016). https://muse.jhu.edu/article/625118/pdf  

Shurkin, Michael, Stephanie Pezard, and S. Rebecca Zimmerman. “Mali’s Next Battle Improving Counterterrorism Capabilities.” 2017. RAND Corporation. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1200/RR1241/RAND_RR1241.pdf   

Wing, Susanna D.“French Intervention in Mali: Strategic Alliances, Long-Term Regional Presence?” Small Wars & Insurgencies 27, no. 1 (2016). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09592318.2016.1123433?journalCode=fswi20  

Communicating Belief

“The Politics of Islam in Mali: Separating Myth from Reality.” July 2017. International Crisis Group. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/west-africa/mali/249-politics-islam-mali-separating-myth-reality  

Théroux-Bénoni, Lori-Anne, and William Assanvo. “Mali’s young ‘jihadists’: Fuelled by faith or corcumstance?" Institute for Security Studies, 26 August, 2016, https://usip.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/RESOLVE/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={E6BCA777-2F9B-496A-9218-85D0EFD3E4FC}&file=RSVEWWRAUG2017-MALI-KA20170814.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true 

Thurston, Alex. “Towands an “Islamic Republic of Mali?” Fletcher F. World, 2013, http://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/forwa37&div=26&id=&page 

Intervention and Demographics

Sergei, Boeke, and Antonin Tisseron. “Mali’s Long Road Ahead.” RUSI Journal 159, no. 5 (2014).  https://rusi.org/publication/rusi-journal/mali%E2%80%99s-long-road-ahead  

de Castelli, Laurent. “Mali: From Sanctuary to Islamic State.” RUSI Journal 159, no. 3 (2014).  https://rusi.org/publication/rusi-journal/mali-sanctuary-islamic-state  

Huckabey, Jessica. “Al Qaeda in Mali: The Defection Connections.” Orbis 57, no. 3 (2013). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030438713000318  

Jubber, Nicholas. “Mali's Nomads: Bulwarks Against Jihad.” World Policy Journal 31, no. 3 (2014).  http://www.worldpolicy.org/journal/fall2014/mali-nomads-against-jihad   

Political Violence

“Central Mali: An Uprising in the Making?” July 2016. International Crisis Group. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/west-africa/mali/central-mali-uprising-making 

Cline, Lawrence. “Nomads, Islamists, and Soldiers: The Struggles for Northern Mali.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 36, no. 8 (2013). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1057610X.2013.802972     

Dowd, Caitriona, and Clionadh Raleigh. “The Myth of Global Islamic Terrorism and Local Conflict in Mali and the Sahel.” African Affairs 112, no. 448 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adt039