Our library of thousands of articles focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to the study of conflict, fragility, political violence, terrorism, religious conflict, and violent extremism. Use the search and filter tool to search thousands of find articles and links by region, country, theme, and discipline.

Government & Security
Intervention Demographics
Political Violence
Resolve Publication
Researching Violent Extremism: The State of Play
J.M. Berger
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Primary Data and Individual Worldviews: Walking through Research on Terrorist Media Choices
Donald Holbrook
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Researching Jihadist Propaganda: Access, Interpretation, and Trauma
Charlie Winter
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Religious Politics and Student Associations in Nigeria
Abdoulaye Sounaye and Medinat Abdulazeez Malefakis
Resolve Publication
The State of Secularism in Chadian Higher Education: Testing Perceived Ties to Violent Extremism
Remadji Hoinathy and Daniel Eizenga
Resolve Publication
Islam, Higher Education, and Extremism in Cameroon
Brandon Kendhammer and Adama Ousmanou