What We're Reading

September 2016 | RESOLVE Annual Forum 2016

For our third “What We’re Reading” post, the RESOLVE Network Secretariat Team is showcasing articles and publications authored, co-authored, and supported by panelists participating in the upcoming RESOLVE Network Annual Fall Forum. The reports and articles below represent a sampling of our panelists’ latest work, and cover topics ranging from governance and violent extremism to the religious identity and discourses. Click the links below to view the documents.


Session 1: The Governance Nexus: Legitimacy, State Fragility, and Violent Extremism

Session 2: A New Narrative: Rethinking the Discourse on Violence & Religious Identity


Session 1: The Governance Nexus: Legitimacy, State Fragility, and Violent Extremism 

Kabir, Humayun. “Bangladesh: Diaspora, Radicalizatino, and Counter-Radicalization” August 2016. Bangladesh Enterprise Institute. http://bei-bd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Diaspora-report.pdf 

 Atwood, Richard. “Exploiting Disorder: Al-Qaida And The Islamic State” March 2016.International Crisis Group.  https://www.crisisgroup.org/global/exploiting-disorder-al-qaeda-and-islamic-state 

Frank, Cheryl. “Children, not terrorists” May 2016. Institute for Security Studies. https://www.issafrica.org/iss-today/children-not-terrorists 

Tesfaye, B., Procter, K. “Investing in Iraq’s Peace: How Good Governance Can Diminish Support for Violent Extremism.” January 2016. Mercy Corps. https://d2zyf8ayvg1369.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/Investing%20in%20Iraqs%20Peace_Final%20Report.pdf 

Session 2: A New Narrative: Rethinking the Discourse on Violence & Religious Identity 

Cook, P., Urwin, E. “Security and Social Developments in Kunduz.” December 2015. United States Institute of Peace. http://www.usip.org/publications/2015/12/17/security-and-social-developments-in-kunduz 

Abbas, Tahir, and Imran Awan. “Limits of UK Counterterrorism Policy and its Implications for Islamophobia and Far Right Extremism.” November 2015. Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies. https://www.crimejusticejournal.com/article/view/241 

Gul, I., Bokhari, S. “Pakistan Pivot for Hizbut Tahrir’s Global Caliphate?” 2015. Center for Research and Security Studies. http://crss.pk/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Pakistan-Pivot-for-Hizbut-Tahrir%E2%80%99s-Global-Caliphate.pdf 

Abadi, Houda. “ISIS Media Strategies, The Role of Our Community Leaders.” March 2016. Forthcoming Article in “A Guide to Preventing Extremist Narratives: Paving the Path to Peace”. https://www.cartercenter.org/resources/pdfs/peace/conflict_resolution/syria-conflict/isis-media-strategies-role-of-muslim-religious-leaders-2015.pdf