Also available in French (en français)In 2022, amidst a backdrop of growing violent extremism in the region, NDI launched a pilot preventing/countering violent extremism (P/CVE) program for youth in…
This policy note explores the characteristics of community-based armed groups (CBAGs) unique to the Kenyan context through a comparison of local CBAGs with other nonstate armed groups, particularly…
While Islamist extremist groups had been present and involved in criminal activities in northern Mali since the early 2000s, they began to gain ground in the Sahel around 2012, when small, local…
Bien que des groupes islamistes extrémistes étaient présents et impliqués dans des activités criminelles dans le nord du Mali depuis le début des années 2000, ils ont commencé à gagner du terrain au…
Violent extremism in the Western Balkans takes many forms, from Western Balkans foreign fighters recruited to participate in conflicts abroad, including in the Middle East and Ukraine; to ethno-…