Securing the Future Initiative | The UN Security Council and Counterterrorism 21 Years after 9/11: Why a Paradigm Shift Is Needed

Launched in September 2021 on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the Securing the Future Initiative (SFI) is conducting the first-ever independent review and assessment of the United Nations Security Council’s counterterrorism activities.
Earlier this year, RESOLVE partnered with SFI to publish a series of research briefs investigating specific aspects of UN counterterrorism policies. The first two of these briefs have been published, and are available here and here.
Later this month, SFI will launch its report, offering a menu of recommendations to address these concerns and to build on progress made to date. SFI seeks to encourage greater emphasis on assessing the effectiveness and impacts of counterterrorism measures, to ensure they cannot be instrumentalized to undercut the very principles and purposes of the United Nations, and to underscore the continued importance of multilateral and wider international collaboration and cooperation in addressing terrorist
threats in 2022 and beyond.
Ahead of the release of this report, the SFI co-leads have authored an article marking the 21st anniversary of the terrorist attacks that fundamentally transformed the international security and wider multilateral landscape.
>> Read the full piece here.
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