Our library of thousands of articles focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to the study of conflict, fragility, political violence, terrorism, religious conflict, and violent extremism. Use the search and filter tool to search thousands of find articles and links by region, country, theme, and discipline.

Government & Security
Intervention Demographics
Political Violence
Domosdoshmëria e Riintegrimit: Fëmijët e Kthyer në Ballkanin Perëndimor
Adrian Shtuni
Resolve Publication
Lab-in-Field Experiments for the Reintegration of Violent Extremists: The Promise of Prosocial Evaluation
Cameron Sumpter
Main Theme
Main Theme
Recensement des Priorités de Recherche sur L’extrémisme Violent en Afrique du Nord et au Sahel 2018
Resolve Publication
Charting Violent Extremism Research Priorities in North Africa and the Sahel 2018
Resolve Publication
Demystifying Gender Analysis for Research on Violent Extremism
Phoebe Donnelly
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
In Brief: Foreword for the Lake Chad Basin Research Initiative Compendium
Alexander Thurston