Our library of thousands of articles focuses on interdisciplinary approaches to the study of conflict, fragility, political violence, terrorism, religious conflict, and violent extremism. Use the search and filter tool to search thousands of find articles and links by region, country, theme, and discipline.

Government & Security
Intervention Demographics
Political Violence
Resolve Publication
LPBI SERIES FACT SHEET: Locating the “Local” in Peacebuilding
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Researching Violent Extremism: Considerations, Reflections, and Perspectives
Edited by Kateira Aryaeinejad, Alastair Reed, Emma Heywood, Jacob Udo-Udo Jacob
Resolve Publication
La Territorialité Comme Méthode Pour Comprendre les Groupes Armés au Kenya et Renforcer les Réponses Politiques
Clifford Collins Omondi Okwany
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
Territoriality as a Method for Understanding Armed Groups in Kenya and Strengthening Policy Responses
Clifford Collins Omondi Okwany
Main Theme
Resolve Publication
COMPENDIUM: Community-based Armed Groups in Sub-Saharan Africa: RESOLVE Network Research 2018-2022
Resolve Publication
WESTERN BALKANS SERIES FACT SHEET: Education in Preventing & Countering Violent Extremism: Considerations for the Western Balkans