Côte d'Ivoire is home to around 200,000 traditional hunters known as the dozo. These traditional hunters are common throughout West Africa and have often filled gaps in state security provision in…
From counterinsurgency and containment, through negotiation and mediation, to integration and cooptation, state and international approaches to address non-state armed actors face significant…
While community-based armed groups (CBAGs) have been found to engage in political violence on behalf of their sponsors and to commit crimes for self-motivated reasons, in many contexts, including…
Community-Based Armed Groups (CBAGs) are armed groups that are embedded within communities and whose delineation can be defined by territory, blood ties, or shared identities; this definition…
Overstating the importance of foreign ideology in driving conflict in Mindanao and elsewhere in the Philippines obscures localized drivers that must be addressed to prevent further violence. Most…
Since 2012, 1,070 nationals of Western Balkan countries traveled to live and fight in territories controlled by terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq. Of those, about 200 were minors at the time…